基于 pytest 框架写了两组 suites,一个用于测试成功的 test_success.py
, 一个用于测试失败的 test_fail.py
import pytest
import warnings
def test_case1():
"""test pass"""
assert 1
def test_case2():
"""test warning"""
warnings.warn(UserWarning("This is a warning msg"))
def test_case3():
"""test skip"""
assert 0
import pytest
def test_case1():
"""test fail"""
assert 0
def test_case2():
raise IOError(123)
def user():
a = "yoyo"
assert a == "yoyo123" # fixture failed with error
return a
def test_case3(user):
"""test error"""
assert user == "yoyo"
用命令 pytest.main([‘./testsuites’, ‘-s’, ‘-q’, ‘–alluredir’, ‘./report’]) 执行,我们可以看到 pytest 的控制台输出结果
/Workspace/DEV/study/pywebreport/test/testsuites/test_success.py:16: UserWarning: This is a warning msg
warnings.warn(UserWarning("This is a warning msg"))
-- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED testsuites/test_fail.py::test_case1 - assert 0
FAILED testsuites/test_fail.py::test_case2 - OSError: 123
ERROR testsuites/test_fail.py::test_case3 - AssertionError: assert 'yoyo' == ...
2 failed, 2 passed, 1 skipped, 1 warning, 1 error in 0.09s
Process finished with exit code 0
从结果可以看到 test_fail.py
中的 test_case2 标记为 F(Failed), test_case3 标记为 E(Error)>
再来看看 allure 报告这边
从结果可以看到 test_fail.py
中的 test_case2 标记为 Broken,test_case3 标记为 Failed
allure 的结果统计在 failed 上跟 pytest 是不一样的,pytest 里面的 error 在 allure 上是 failed,而 pytest failed 的一种情况,在 allure 上被视为 broken